Your card also gives you access to these benefits:
- Free Auto Rental Insurance coverage worldwide
- Free Travel Accident Insurance coverage of up to USD$500,000.00
- Free Travel Medical assistance up USD$150,000.00
- Personal Concierge Service, which provides the Cardholder with travel-related information and assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
- Price Protection of USD$500.00 per item, up to USD$2,000.00 annually
- Purchase protection of up to USD$5,000.00 per item up to USD$10,000.00 per account, per year.
Welcome Bonus terms and conditions:
1. The customer must have availed of a new PriceSmart credit card during the promotional period
2. Minimum Spend BBD$200
3. The customer must make a purchase at a PriceSmart club by June 30th 2024 to receive the Welcome Bonus